Friday, May 19, 2006

The Great Pony Rescue

Every so often my wife and I each take a kid and have "date night" with them. Gives them time apart, and one on one time with a parent. This time my oldest was with my wife, and wanted to stay home and scrapbook.

My youngest however decided she wanted to find a new "My Little Pony" for her collection. Off we went on the adventure. We finally wound up at the toy store, and she found two she really wanted. Since they were only five bucks each I said what the heck and got 'em both, thereby avoiding 20 minutes of "I can't decide".

We "rescued" the ponies from the toy store, and of course they were hungry. Everyone knows a pony's favorite food is "red dot pizza" (pepperoni). So we head to the pizza place where the new ponies got well fed.

Afterward my five year old decided one of the ponies was still a little nervous, but an ice cream cone would make the pony feel better. Hey, I'd hate to leave a pony feeling all stressed out, so over to the DQ we went for some chocolate dipped cones.

We sat out front and ate cones, and pontificated about the evenings adventures. (Nothing quite like a pontificating five year old for entertainment). We decided to call our adventure "The Great Pony Rescue". And so we did.


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