Friday, May 12, 2006

Interfacing at User Groups

I attended a rather good user group meeting this week. The Birmingham .Net User Group had Doug Turnure of Microsoft come give a speech on Interfaces in .Net. What a great speech! I'm really sold on the use of interfaces in my apps and just how powerful they are in reguards to extensibility.

I also have to give Doug a big "Atta Boy" award for making it to the meeting that night. This poor guy had to fight Atlanta Airport traffic, then I-20 construction delays, then a blinding rainstorm just to make it to our meeting. Took him six hours to make the two and a half hour trip! Atta Boy Doug!!

I'm also excited because another group I joined recently, the Birmingham Software Developers Association is putting on an ASP.NET 2.0 mini-code camp tonight and all day Saturday. It'll be nice to flex my muscles in the ASP arena, I've done reading and other classes, but most of my coding to date has been WinForms. I'm dying to get to work on some ASP 2.0 stuff.


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