Thursday, June 08, 2006

Armegeddon! Armegeddon!

Did anyone happen to notice the world didn't end on 6-6-06? I didn't notice it myself until last night. Not that I expected much, after all 6-6-06 only happens every hundred years or so.

Family Time

The same day the world was supposed to end, my youngest graduated from Kindergarten. Of course I'm the proud papa, both my kids are geniuses. I had snagged a spot on the second row so I could get good shots, and while we were waiting on things to kick off I notice a guy with his kid, and he had the little bluetooth earpiece in his ear. For some reason it bothered me.

Now, I don't know the guy. Maybe he was a doctor or something and needs to be on call at a moments notice. But an awful lot of folks have this exaggerated need for connectivity. Cellphones, blackberries, and other tools keep us on a short leash. But I have to wonder how many folks really need that level of connectivity? How many times have you been talking with someone when their "device" goes off and they effectively put you on hold until they chat with whomever. In effect they are saying that the unknown person at the other end of this gizmo is more important than you, the person standing right there.

I reached down, turned off my cellphone, and left it off the rest of the night. Try it sometime.

Yeah! I agree-Uh, hold cellular implant is going off...uh huh, yeah, okay, let me get back with later N4IXT.

I think exactly the same: people attached to their mobile and -worse- their Bluetooth earpiece, remind me of the Borgs: always attached to the Collective, mostly unaware of other people around them...
Hope this isn't too geeky a reference and that other people see my point... :P
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