Monday, October 16, 2006

I Hate Petty Crooks

In some cases, these petty crooks are even worse than a someone who commits grand larceny. While police extend quite a bit of effort to go after the big guys, all to often (and this is no reflection on the police, most are personally interested in doing a good job) they are so overloaded they don't have time for "petty crime" so more often than not it goes unpunished.

Take this case: A fellow geek has a really cool license plate. WEB GEEK. (Pretty cool if I do say so.) Anyway, she comes out of work to discover someone has stolen it! All because the crook thought it would look nicer on his wall than on her car. Now the poor victim has to take time off of work to try and get a replacement, IF she can get one.

So if you are in California, or maybe cruising e-bay, and see a California issued license plate with WEB GEEK on it, go over to Dori's blog ( and tell her where you found it.

She says all she wants is her plate back. Personally I'd like to see her get her plate back AND to have to have the perpetrator slapped so hard fecal matter explodes from his buttocks, painting the sidewalk such a deep brown it's stained for years.

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