Thursday, December 14, 2006

That special gift for the special someone in your life

Do you have the person on your list you hate to buy gifts for. You know, that person who seems to have everything? Or maybe it's a person who you want to send "that special message to". Well have I got the gift for you.

Yes, you can now buy a one of a kind, hand crafted (well, I think they used their hands anyway, might have been some other body part) item for that persnickity person on your gift list. Avoid the Christmas rush, buy now.

Good-girl-turned-bad Britney Spears has topped an eclectic list of the net’s most popular searches
n the run-up to Christmas. The popstar,who hit the headlines last week for stepping out
“commando” with her new best friend Paris Hilton,has helped revealed exactly what the internet
savvy are looking for from their stars - the thick and the dead.
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