Saturday, July 14, 2007

A proud day...

My wife wasn't feeling well today, so I decided to take the kids and get out of the house and give her some peace and quiet. Just before lunch, the kids and I set out to do some wholesome activities.

First we we went to go eat, eating's pretty wholesome. We went to one of my favorite places Richards BBQ ( ), home of the world's best Mushroom-Swiss Burger. Some fries and onion rings and I was in business. Note I said wholesome, not necessarily healthy. But hey my birthday's next week.

I say that not as an excuse, just a reminder. Rush out now to get gifts. Gift certificates to Richards are a good choice, or a Nikon 70-300mm zoom lens would be nifty too. But I digress.

After lunch we swung by the library, another bastion of wholesomeness. Well, except for the section on human sexuality. You ever see what they have in there? Weird stuff dude. Our trip got cut short by the librarian. She said all the giggling was bothering the other patrons. My kids kept telling me to hush, but I couldn't help it!

Our next stop was the toy store. Let me assure you reader, there is NOTHING wholesome about a toy store on a Saturday afternoon! Kids running wild, sales associates were plying us with sale papers. After one such experience in the past I went home and watched "Halloween". Laughed all the way through, thought it was comedy. Dracula? Frankenstein? Amateurs compared to the sugared up, hyped up hooligans running amok in the isles.

After escaping, I mean leaving from the toy store, we made a quick stop at our local big box discount mart to grab some milk. Milk, nice and wholesome. Big box discount mart? Well if you listen to my mother-in-law, they're out to take over the world.

On the way home Anna, the youngest was looking at her new doll (you don't honestly think we escaped the toy store empty handed, do you?) and said "Hey there's a black stripe on her butt. Oh wait, it's just her underwear."

"I thought she'd already poo'd her pants." I told her.

Anna quickly replied "How rude! I mean... How rude!" Her mother would be proud.

The funniest part of the day however was during the trip in. We were in my wife's mini-van, and Raven picked up the sun shade and was looking at the Disney characters. All of a sudden I hear a girlish grunt from the back seat. I then hear Raven blurt out...

"Alright Mickey! Back off pretty boy, or I'll eat your ashes for breakfast!" Her mother would be horrified.

Sniffle. I was so proud.

Somehow I just keep hearing some little voice inside my head telling me to NOT let you ANYWHERE near MY children!
All my hard efforts to raise them to be prissy little princesses - and then YOU get your hands on them!
Oh, what have I done to my offspring?
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